Wendy Weaver was born and raised in upstate New York. Through her career she has traveled all over the world. Her wellness career started with the Military as a contracted Exercise Specialist and now currently works as a Wellness Consultant/CEC for Humana Inc.
Wendy is well known for her dedication and success in leading teams and individuals to meet aggressive wellness goals. In her roles she manages and advises large commercial accounts (80k strong) on wellness programming and implementation. She works with Disease Management and Clinical Programs to reduce claims and skillfully communicated with Board of Directors, wellness center managers, corporate benefit managers and Humana executives on wellness initiatives and results driven wellness programs. Wendy’s 22 years’ of experience in fitness, nutrition, stress management, exercise and holistic health will be well utilized towards our aggressive engagement goals.
Wendy received her Bachelors of Science in Health Management from California College for Health Sciences. She has many certifications in wellness. Certificates include: NWI, CWWS, CWWPM, ACSM, ACE, Holistic C.H.E.K, WELCOA certified, and WELCOA faculty status. Currently Wendy is on the steering committee for the Wellness Council of Tampa Bay and a member of Culture Advisory Board. The certification that is most valuable to me is WELCOA.
She has many certifications that are very specific and detailed in each area of wellness but WELCOA webinars and certifications tie them all together in a practical way.
When managing large accounts (80,000 employees) on wellness programming and implementation. She worked with Disease Management and Clinical Programs to reduce claims. Through organizing and running health screenings, walking programs and other wellness and health related topics, such as onsite educational programs she was able to use the 7 Benchmarks from WELCOA for tremendous success. Keys were:
• Build relationships, creating cohesive wellness teams and capturing leadership support with CEOs, Executives, hospitals administration, doctors, and other vendors and corporations.
• Choosing Appropriate Interventions and developing new strategies to secure vendors into first time provider status.
• Collecting data and carefully evaluating and auditing company claims, suggest steps towards wellness, and give presentations with proven results.
• Developed and grew company wellness program from zero to ten.
• Secured market one jumbo account with $500,000 for wellness budget.
• Manager of research wellness project with proven results of $7 return on investment of $1 spent.
• Drive down costs for both clients and carrier though wellness consulting and programming.
“Wendy's passion for wellness is contagious! When you are around her you experience her excitement. Wendy truly enjoys helping others, whether it is with exercise or eating healthier. “Wendy is Wellness by living and breathing and applying to herself what she preaches.”
“Wendy is motivating, dedicated, the highly knowledge in the corporate wellness field, she has great values, trustworthy, has a tremendous passion for helping others, very organized, anything she touches becomes successful, attention to detail, big thinker, planner, visionary, strong role model, practices what she preaches, available and always willing to help, humble, very open, makes you feel comfortable with sharing, and excellent at follow up and follow through.”
What have been most valuable to her career are the opportunities she has had with working with such a diversified population along with the number of different companies from private to public sector.
The best advice is to get out and do it. Don’t be afraid not to try. Start with pilot programs and test groups. Listen, study, learn and be around successful people/companies.
When running hospital based wellness center from initial opening which included hiring and managing a team of 68 employees she had the pleasure of doing things differently and from scratch. The success started with hosting hospital base research project while generating improvement strategies for the new wellness center. She was the Director of Younger Trimmer Fitter project which was aired on the Today Show 12/31/05.
The biggest opportunities we have in the health promotion industry:
Keeping it simple and not stressful
We need to have a Resilient Workforce
Healthcare costs and increasing labor costs
Employee Productivity
Poor customer service from employee because of personal mental and physical stress
In the next 5 years, Wendy would like to pursue and advance in the industry through helping other wellness professional. She was one of the first wellness consultants in the insurance industry and has learned a lot through her years. We together can help fight the battles of our dis-ease world.
Comments are in order of newest to oldest
Wendy is a true wellness professional who is committed to improving health in the community and workplace. She is inspiration to fellow wellness professsionals in the Tampa Bay area. She is leader and strategist with experience to assist change in healthy behaviors. A well deserved recognition for her efforts in corporate wellness.
Steve M. on 10/07/2014
Wendy is exceptional in her profession as a wellness specialist. Her dedication, knowledge, passion and innovation put her at the top of her field. It's a joy to work with her and a joy to see the positive effects she has on others lives.
Mary Ellen P. on 10/07/2014
Wendy you are an incredible woman. We haven't seen each other in years however I follow you on Facebook and find your post to be inspiring, helpful and motivational. As far back as I can remember you have always helped other people with health and fitness. Good lucky. You deserve it.
Brenda F. on 10/05/2014
Wendy is very dedicated to bringing healthy lifestyles to the masses. Andy cowing
Andrew C. on 10/05/2014
She has taught me so much about wellness. I admire her and appreciate every second.
Eugene H. on 10/05/2014
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