ENTRY FROM: 2016 Top Health Promotion Professionals

Nominee: Brian Jolles

We Promote Health

A convergence of events led Brian Jolles to become passionate about promoting wellness and fighting obesity. First, his career in health benefits made him acutely aware that the majority of healthcare costs are a direct result of decisions within our personal control. Smoking, poor nutrition and lack of exercise are responsible for greater than 50% of healthcare costs. Brian's father died young from heart complications and his brother from cancer. Simple adjustments could have changed their outcomes, which inspired Brian, while still operating as CEO of Jolles Insurance & Financial, to found We Promote Health (WPH) in 2007. WPH has always been, and continues to operate under Brian's leadership, as a 100% volunteer organization. WPH has made a significant contribution in the local schools, workplaces and community.

Although, Jolles Insurance is an organization of only 5 full-time employees, Brian and his passionate team, consistently stand out in their community as wellness champions. Brian no longer limits his focus to just providing an insurance and financial safety net; he is a leader in his community in promoting the importance of proactively focusing on wellness. Leading by example, creating collaboration, and setting a priority to empower others--for Brian, it's about providing others on-going and increasing opportunities to protect the most important asset they have, their health status.

Brian Jolles, CLU, ChFC, CASL

A Passion for Wellness

For 30 years, Brian and his wife Lisa, have co-owned Jolles Insurance & Financial, an independent agency whose primary focus has been providing an insurance safety net for their clients. On December 31, 2005, after visiting his doctor, Brian made a change in his life. He learned that both his weight and his cholesterol had reached a dangerous level. Having lost his father to early age heart complications and his brother to cancer, this was a wake up call. However, once he made the decision to become healthier and found success making simple adjustments to eat healthier and exercise more, it became more than a personal goal. He brought his new found passion for wellness to his employees which resulted in his company being recognized as the small business wellness innovator of the year. With the $2,500 award Brian took it even one step further and founded We Promote Health (WPH), a local non-profit with a 100% volunteer board and staff. Under Brian's leadership, WPH has made an amazing impact in the local schools, workplaces and community. Brian no longer limits his focus to just providing an insurance safety net; he is a leader in his community in promoting, on a community-wide level, the importance of proactively focusing on wellness. For Brian, It's about providing others on-going and increasing opportunities to protect the most important asset they have, their health status!

Professional Development & Leadership

  • Insurance & Financial Designations: CLU, ChFC, CASL
  • WELCOA: 7 Certifications; Faculty Status
  • Recognized by Howard County as the winner of the "Small Business Workplace Wellness Award" for "improving the health of Howard County Employees". 
  • "Small Business Wellness Innovator of the Year" (2 x)
  • Brian founded We Promote Health(WPH) in 2007 and, to this day, continues to lead, as President, it's 100% volunteer team.
  • Get Active Howard County(GAHC) - 10 week community wellness initiative - 10+ years
  • Howard County Family Wellness Day - 9th year (average attendnace of 3,000)
  • "Boot Camp in the Park" - over 14,000 participates to date - 35 weeks/year - 6th year

Demonstrated Success & Innovation

Brian leads by example.  Every Friday morning for the past 8 years, he prepares a healthy breakfast for all his employees.  Brian has continued to assume the major role in the Get Active Howard County Initiative and will be leading 3 community-wide wellness forums beginning in late December and through the March 2017 kick-off. Last year individuals exceeded the 1 million minutes of physical activity goal, and next year, the County Executive will be announcing a significantly higher goal for 2017. The wellness forums will focus on scaling up GAHC and strengthen the efforts of community leaders to promote participation and engagement. This effort will also expand the broad base of wellness organizations and professionals that support the community wellness calendar.

Brian, in addition to serving as the overall coordinator, is also the team captain for the largest community team (the Health Nuts) with over 250 members. In 2017, Brian will be working with his community partners to increase the number of employer, school and community teams. Along with his growing list of partners, the We Promote Health board has put in place a clear vision to expand the value, reach and participation in Get Active Howard County.

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Brian Jolles, CLU, ChFC, CASL The FREE "Boot Camp in The Park" Boot Camp in the Park - Stretching We Promote Health - In the Community Boot Camp in the Park Boot Camp in the Park - The Plank! Get Active Howard County - Logo We Promote Health - Logo We Can - Healthy Snacks We Can - Sugars & Fats -Student demo Jolles Team- Maryland Food Bank Brian's 100% Donation to the Red Cross Family Wellness Day- WeCan-County Proclamation
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Brian J.
A convergence of events led Brian Jolles to become passionate about promoting wellness and fighting obesity. First, his career in health benefits made him acutely aware that the majority of healthcare costs are a direct result of decisions within our personal control. Smoking, poor nutrition and lack of exercise are responsible for greater than 50% of healthcare costs. Brian's father died young from heart complications and his brother from cancer. Simple adjustments could have changed their outcomes, which inspired Brian to found We Promote Health in 2007. Brian's focus is not just on insurance protection; it's on prevention and leadership to help others improve their lifestyle choices. View Brian J.'s Profile.
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