Announcing the 2016 Top 10 Health Promotion Professionals.
WELCOA will announce the #1 professional in the coming weeks. To learn more about the Top 10, check out the link below.
Nominee: Lynise Anderson
Nominee: Kay Lakhi
Kay Lakhi Alyfe Wellbeing Strategies Founder & CEO Corporate Wellness 30+ years 50+ Employees Kay Lakhi is a first generation Indian-American woman whose entrepreneurial journey is the qui...
Nominee: Stephanie Downs
Stephanie Downs joined Iowa State University (ISU) as the new Wellness Coordinator in 2014. She works in the University Human Resources department and is responsible for leading the university well...
Nominee: Carmen Daniel
In 2011, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) became its own state agency with nearly 5,000 employees throughout the state. Within the first 12 months, a worksite wellness director was id...
Nominee: Angela Lee Nieves
In 1998, Angela was graduating with her Bachelor's Degree and attended a health career fair at the University of North Florida where Ann Sabbag, CEO of Health Designs, had an exhibit. Angela fell i...
Nominee: Jen Orlando
Talk about lucky, a career at Deschutes Brewery is surrounded by passion, for our work and our lives. We love our beer and brewing traditions. And we get to do it in beautiful Bend, Oregon, where s...
Nominee: Teri McElrath
The global community is aging at an accelrated rate. By the year 2050, the number of elders in the world is expected to double. Aging in America has become a growing epidemic. This places more pre...
Nominee: E. Susanne Koch
E. Susanne Koch as been passionate about wellness her entire life. With 12 years in the industry, she was brought onboard the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) to serve as the Worksite Wel...
Nominee: Jeff Butz
My name is Jeff Butz and I am the Wellness Director for Fond du Lac Area Businesses on Health (FABOH), an employer-owned coalition comprised of employers with between 15 and 350 employees. FABOH e...
Nominee: Carol Colley
Carol joined Arthur J. Gallagher & Co in 2015 in the role of Regional Health Management/Wellbeing & Engagement Consultant. Arthur J. Gallagher is a global risk management consulting firm with over ...
Nominee: Aaron Hunnel
Wellness is not something we do to people, but rather something we do for people. We can get people to participate for an incentive, or we can empower them to be engaged in a cause. This type of en...