Nominee: Rachel Druckenmiller, MS, CHC
Nominee: Robyn Stuewe
Nominee: Mitch Martens
Nominee: Brian Jolles
Nominee: Sara Johnson, Ph.D.
Nominee: Tina Parsons
Nominee: Pam Harb
Nominee: Jeff Brizzolara
Nominee: Erik Nieuwenhuis, MS, PT
Nominee: Larry Catlett
Nominee: Kimberly Sandmaier
Nominee: Gail Migliozzi
Nominee: Diana Beeson
Nominee: Danielle Keenan
Nominee: Melissa Reeves
Nominee: Brenda Sillas
Nominee: Mike Perko
Nominee: Jeff Butz
Nominee: Carmen Terry
Nominee: Jennifer Lowry
Nominee: Holly Shaffer
Nominee: Mike Liebert
Nominee: Sarah Dillivan-Pospisil
Nominee: Brianna Peterson
Nominee: Mark Malinauskas
Nominee: Jennifer Vasko
Nominee: Franet Hazard
Nominee: Lorie Patzak
Nominee: Jenna Pearson
Nominee: Susan Kolon
Nominee: Christy Colgan
Nominee: Tre' McCalister
Nominee: Frank Jakka
Nominee: Jason Morgan
Nominee: Julie Zaruba Fountaine
Nominee: Kris Drake
Nominee: Mark Geissbauer
Nominee: Sharon Clark
Nominee: Tracey Saliski
Nominee: Coletta Meyer
Nominee: Mike Parent
Nominee: Steph Ceccherini
Nominee: Judy Fields
Nominee: Tracie Meyer
Nominee: Penny Paul
Nominee: Brad Cooper
Nominee: Michele Hunnicutt
Nominee: Sherry Leggett
Nominee: Kathy Crouch
Nominee: Julie Augustine
Nominee: Kandi Qualls
Nominee: Meghan McCarthy
Nominee: Jody Zauha
Nominee: Marilyn Hill
Nominee: Robin Jenkins
Nominee: Tanya Barham
Nominee: Danielle Arnett
Nominee: Roslyn Francois
Nominee: Alyssa Kwasny
Nominee: Abigail DiPasquale
Nominee: Denise Normandin, RD, LD
Nominee: Aaron Hunnel
Nominee: Haley Akin
Nominee: Lori Thomas
Nominee: Linda Brinson
Nominee: Dana Wisniewski, MS
Nominee: Emily Light
Nominee: Nancy Evolga
Nominee: Gina Dansak
Nominee: Becky Sullivan
Nominee: Rani Brar
Nominee: James Smith
Nominee: Abby Russell
Nominee: Cameron Black
Nominee: Sharon Morfeld
Nominee: Wendy Weaver
Nominee: Carla Schneider
Nominee: Carly Kennedy
Nominee: Lisa Kelly
Nominee: Amanda Wiggins
Nominee: Chris Ceniti
Nominee: Sheila Krueger
Nominee: Michelle Welch
Nominee: Patricia Fuller
Nominee: Jason Horay
Nominee: Tim Pingel
Nominee: Sheila Bowen
Nominee: Abigail Nadler
Nominee: Staci Datteri-Frey
Nominee: Teri Palmer
Nominee: Jana Wolff
Nominee: Lynda Blades
Nominee: Liz Jones
Nominee: Norma T. Hollis
Nominee: Linda Feiden
Nominee: Carolyn Marney
Nominee: Dylan Phelps
Nominee: Bud Harris
Nominee: Sarah Monley
Nominee: Pnina Stisser
INTRODUCTION; As the Director of Health and Wellness for a risk management and brokerage firm, I was responsible for wellness programming in all areas for multiple companies at one time. I init...
Nominee: Shannon Clark
Shannon Clark has been helping people to live healthier lives and creating cultures of health for 12 years. Shannon has been in her current role as the Health & Productivity Practice Leader at Sto...
Nominee: Griffin Reynolds
Tanner Health System, Healthcare, Carrollton, Georgia Wellness Coordinator, 2.5 years in field
Nominee: Sonja Gibbons
“Progress, not perfection” is the motto of Hydro-Gear's Wellness Program, always striving to improve the health and wellness of our employees. My career with Hydro-Gear, a manufacturer of hydrostat...
Nominee: Jeanette Diamond
I work in the Office of Human Resource Services as the Health & Wellness Coordinator for the employee wellness program at Dickinson College, focusing on developing a culture of wellness since 2006,...
Nominee: Tara Witt
Introductions: Current Company: Milwaukee Public Schools Job Title: Employee Wellness Coordinator Industry Type: Education Years in the Field: 4 Organization Size: 10,000 employees
Nominee: Elisabeth Doehring
Alabama State SHRM Council Wellness Director Human Resources 5 years 2 People on a volunteer basis serving the health and wellness lives of approximately 250,000 in the state of Alabama.
Nominee: Laura Bookman
Current Company: Hub International Job Title: Corporate Wellness Manager Industry Type: Corporate Fitness/Benefits/HR Years in the Field: 12 years working in health, wellness, and fitness Orga...
Nominee: Krisann calhoun
Krisann currently works as an Account Executive/Senior Program Manager for StayWell. StayWell current employs approximately 800 employees and offers clients total population health solutions. Kri...
Nominee: Anne Polacheck
Anne Polacheck is a part of the wellness program management at StayWell, a health and productivity management company. StayWell employs over 800 employees and delivers wellness programming and ser...