Nominee: Rachel Druckenmiller, MS, CHC
Nominee: Robyn Stuewe
Nominee: Mitch Martens
Nominee: Brian Jolles
Nominee: Sara Johnson, Ph.D.
Nominee: Tina Parsons
Nominee: Pam Harb
Nominee: Jeff Brizzolara
Nominee: Erik Nieuwenhuis, MS, PT
Nominee: Larry Catlett
Nominee: Kimberly Sandmaier
Nominee: Gail Migliozzi
Nominee: Diana Beeson
Nominee: Danielle Keenan
Nominee: Melissa Reeves
Nominee: Brenda Sillas
Nominee: Mike Perko
Nominee: Jeff Butz
Nominee: Carmen Terry
Nominee: Jennifer Lowry
Nominee: Holly Shaffer
Nominee: Mike Liebert
Nominee: Sarah Dillivan-Pospisil
Nominee: Brianna Peterson
Nominee: Mark Malinauskas
Nominee: Jennifer Vasko
Nominee: Franet Hazard
Nominee: Lorie Patzak
Nominee: Jenna Pearson
Nominee: Susan Kolon
Nominee: Christy Colgan
Nominee: Tre' McCalister
Nominee: Frank Jakka
Nominee: Jason Morgan
Nominee: Julie Zaruba Fountaine
Nominee: Kris Drake
Nominee: Mark Geissbauer
Nominee: Sharon Clark
Nominee: Tracey Saliski
Nominee: Coletta Meyer
Nominee: Mike Parent
Nominee: Steph Ceccherini
Nominee: Judy Fields
Nominee: Tracie Meyer
Nominee: Penny Paul
Nominee: Brad Cooper
Nominee: Michele Hunnicutt
Nominee: Sherry Leggett
Nominee: Kathy Crouch
Nominee: Julie Augustine
Nominee: Kandi Qualls
Nominee: Meghan McCarthy
Nominee: Jody Zauha
Nominee: Marilyn Hill
Nominee: Robin Jenkins
Nominee: Tanya Barham
Nominee: Danielle Arnett
Nominee: Roslyn Francois
Nominee: Alyssa Kwasny
Nominee: Abigail DiPasquale
Nominee: Denise Normandin, RD, LD
Nominee: Aaron Hunnel
Nominee: Haley Akin
Nominee: Lori Thomas
Nominee: Linda Brinson
Nominee: Dana Wisniewski, MS
Nominee: Emily Light
Nominee: Nancy Evolga
Nominee: Gina Dansak
Nominee: Becky Sullivan
Nominee: Rani Brar
Nominee: James Smith
Nominee: Abby Russell
Nominee: Cameron Black
Nominee: Sharon Morfeld
Nominee: Wendy Weaver
Nominee: Carla Schneider
Nominee: Carly Kennedy
Nominee: Lisa Kelly
Nominee: Amanda Wiggins
Nominee: Chris Ceniti
Nominee: Sheila Krueger
Nominee: Michelle Welch
Nominee: Patricia Fuller
Nominee: Jason Horay
Nominee: Tim Pingel
Nominee: Sheila Bowen
Nominee: Abigail Nadler
Nominee: Staci Datteri-Frey
Nominee: Teri Palmer
Nominee: Jana Wolff
Nominee: Lynda Blades
Nominee: Liz Jones
Nominee: Norma T. Hollis
Nominee: Linda Feiden
Nominee: Carolyn Marney
Nominee: Dylan Phelps
Nominee: Bud Harris
Nominee: Sarah Monley
Nominee: Kera Smith
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Wellness Program Administrator Insurance 4+ years 5,000 Employees
Nominee: Rachel Miegel
Ten years ago I was finishing up a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and wasn’t sure where I was going with my career. I stumbled upon a Master’s program in Health Communication and knew it was th...
Nominee: Randy Westman
I am currently the Human Resource Manager at Johnson Machine works, a small family owned steel fabricator in southern Iowa. I have been in my position for 17 years and we have been doing wellness ...
Nominee: Kristyn Holajn
The unique concept of Healthe You was created in 2007 with the vision that an integrated wellness program will not only reduce health care costs to the employer, reduce the cost to the employee, bu...
Nominee: Melissa Bodi
Since becoming a Registered Nurse in 1995 I have gained experience working in variety of nursing specialties including home health care, school nursing, and as an Ambulatory Care Nurse. These speci...
Nominee: Lisa Hall
Lisa Hall, MA has been in the wellness industry for almost 20 years. After getting passionate about her own health and losing 40 pounds, she knew that wellness was the right career path for her. ...
Nominee: Derek Bell
Derek has had an abundantly fulfilling 15 year career in health promotion and wellness. Currently, he is the Health Promotion & Wellness Consultant for Ministry Medical Group Employer Solutions...
Nominee: Robert Barrilleaux
As the Wellness Manager at BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, Robert Barrilleaux has been responsible for improving upon corporate wellness initiatives for the company’s workforce of more than...
Nominee: Scott Weden
HealthTrust is a non-profit, employee benefits pool devoted exclusively to serving more than 300 public-sector employers in New Hampshire. It is the largest public entity pool in the nation as ran...
Nominee: Samantha Fuqua
I currently work for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee and Onlife Health as the Fitness Center Manager for the City of Chattanooga in Tennessee. The industry is a wellness industry, as we do not ...